Sunday, January 3, 2010


Day 01 → Your favourite song
Day 02 → Your favourite movie
Day 03 → Your favourite television program

Jim: I gotta make an example out of him. Should I just fire him?
Pam: Can you actually fire people?
Jim: To be honest I don't know. But maybe I could just yell at him in front of people.
Pam: Well, I can't really imagine you yelling at anyone.
Jim: Oh I yell. You've heard me yell.
Pam: Oh okay. I've heard you exclaim? Like, the time you said, "Hey look! We parked over here!"
Jim: Well that was apple-picking day. There was no need to yell that day. You know I was just excited to find the car. Perfect end to a perfect day.
Pam: Well. You'll figure it out.

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