couch-to-5k week two is complete! here's the recap.
day one [2.13.12]:
90 seconds of running, 2 minutes of walking, for twenty minutes. it was definitely a bit tough, but i made it through! i didn't find it too difficult to get through the running, though it was considerably more of a workout than week 1. i followed it up with 20 reps on the lat pull machine and then 5 minutes of intense elliptical goodness before calling it a day (i will be increasing the time spent on the elliptical as i gain more strength). i'm feeling really fortunate to have a great facility to work out in, thanks to my health insurance, and am feeling motivated to keep on keepin' on. after all, i only have one life, and one chance to be as fit and healthy as i possibly can!
day one, v2.0 [2.20.12]:
so... i started week 2 last week, and then i got sick. annoying! thankfully i wasn't sick for very long, nor did i get terribly sick, but between the illness and being busy over the weekend, i decided i would give myself a fresh start.
anyway, it went fine! reminded me of the first day of week one; i didn't struggle with it and i was pretty surprised that it was over when the workout ended. it was great to get back in the groove of it and i'm ready to continue forward.
after i finished day 1 (again) i did 10 additional minutes of walking on the treadmill at an incline, five brisk minutes on the elliptical, and 20 lat pulls. great workout! i left feeling good, and glad that i went. i'm off wednesday, so i'm going to try and go again then.
day two [2.23.12]:
yesterday i went on an almost two hour hike through ryerson woods... it was a delight! today, i decided to hit up the gym in mundelein--so nice! did day 2 of week 2, which went well (minus the minor knee pain, that i think was exacerbated by the extensive hiking i did the day before). after c25k, i did 15 more minutes on the treadmill with a 3% incline, 30 lat pulls, and 15 minutes on the bike. needless to day, it was high energy, and great to get up and go. i think i'll be heading up to the mundelein snap more regularly, especially once the mister gets his gym membership, too!
need to start doing research on 5k's in the area for a couple months from now. it would be great to have something actual to look forward to with all of this training, a tangible goal (besides my long-term health, of course.)
day three [2.26.12]:
i did it! i am a quarter of the way through! two weeks out of eight isn't much, but it's a start and i am already starting to see the changes that come from eating better and working out regularly, plus, going to the gym feels like part of my daily life and routine, which is awesome. almost all of the time, i really just love going and enjoy being there.
week 2 was definitely a step up from week 1, but not impossible by any means. today's workout was no exception. as usual, i couldn't believe it was finished when all was said and done! i followed it up with 10 minutes of inclined treadmill goodness, 20 lat pulls, 10 leg curls, 5 and a half minutes on the elliptical, and 10 minutes on the stationary bike (the last two, i did while watching figure skating in the abandoned--except for me, of course--gym, heh). i did 10 not so great pushups after that, then called it a night. i worked up a sweat and had a blast doing so!
week 3 makes me a but nervous--alternating 90 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking, then three minutes of running and three minutes of walking, twice in a row, with 5 minute warm up and cool down walks. however, if i don't feel like i'm ready, i can always go for another day of week 2. i'm hoping i'll be pleasantly surprised, though, and will find it easier than i thought it would be... i'll never know until i try!
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