Sunday, March 4, 2012


12:01 a.m.  midnight on the morning of my twenty-fourth birthday.  when i was younger, i never really stopped to think what twenty-four might be like, exactly... it was far off and i would be older but that was about it.  i was too concerned with being young, truly young, which is a great thing.

anyway, now i'm here.  twenty-four.  i'm a little bit older, perhaps a little wiser, and more excited about life than ever.  i never could have imagined the path my existence has taken, for it is far better, far more beautiful and spectacular than i ever thought it could be.  i sit here and think about all of the wonderful things i have in my life and i feel grateful, fortunate, and lucky.  i am happy.  life is good.

twenty-three was a pretty big year...  i married my best friend, my other half, and honeymooned for a week in las vegas.  i took on more responsibilities in a job i love more every day.  i wrote a novel. (anyone want to do some reading or editing?  let me know!)  the mister and i made plans for a trip to central america and took passport photos.  we finished up 2011 with a bang during an unexpected and completely amazing trip to south carolina.  there is so much more to twenty-three, of course...  

i have no idea what twenty-four holds, but i'm hoping it will be my best year yet.  i can't wait to see what happens in the next three hundred and sixty-five days.  here's to the future!

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you mean. I just realized that in about six months I'm turning 23, and turning 22 feels like it was only two weeks ago.

    I always wanted to grow up so fast... And now that I'm sort of here, now it has to slow down. But it's only getting faster!

    Sounds like you've had an amazing year. Hopefully the next one will be just as wonderful! Happy birthday. :)

    And if you want help editing/proofing, I'd love to help. My email is on my Twitter info (@deannaogle).
